Wheatgerm Oil

  • Description

Wheatgerm oil is extracted from the nutrient rich germ which is a by product of the flour milling process. The germ contains around 10% oil which, in its crude form, is dark amber in appearance with a wholesome nutty odour.

The crude oil is naturally rich in Vitamin E and other tocopherols which, when combined with its high content of Omega 6 Essential Fatty acids, makes it an ideal product for dietary nutrition. The refined oil is much lighter in colour and is almost odourless, whilst this process does significantly reduce the Vitamin E content it does not substantially affect the content or functionality of the component Fatty Acids which form the core of this oils beneficial properties.

We recommend the unrefined oil for animal care and health food applications and the refined grade for skin care applications as it provides excellent emollience and skin feel without imparting odour.

Please see individual grades available for more information.




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